2025 Livestock Show

Stars & Stripes Livestock Show

June 28, 2025

Baird Homestead

24 Baird Road

Millstone Twp, NJ 08535




“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin


We will be back at the Thomas Baird Homestead this year.  This is a farm that has been preserved to look much as it did when it was built in 1830.  You will be able to tour the Georgian center hall home, blacksmith shop and barn.  Picnic tables will allow you to rest in the shade of historic trees as you watch the windmill follow the breeze.  Youth from five or more states usually join us for some friendly competition and exhibits that highlight current research on managing livestock.


Free to the public, Stars and Stripes is the first New Jersey Ag Fair of the season.  Youth…make sure that your grown-ups are ready to be judged by you in Adult Showmanship.  Beware, our youth have been known to ask a lot of tough questions.  Join us for a day of fun on the Homestead.


We believe that animals hold magical powers and even a brief encounter can have a lasting effect.  Recent research in Animal Assisted Therapy has shown that animal contact can improve blood pressure, behavior and confidence.  Many organizations, such as the National Institutes of Health, have researched the effect that animals can play in helping children socially, cognitively, emotionally and physically.  To read more, check out www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov.  to catch it in action, visit our Animal Party tent to watch special needs children show an animal for the first time.  Let us know, if you would like to be a part of this unique project. 


Robin Bruins, President

Stars and Stripes Livestock

email: bruinsjr@gmail.com

For Directions click on this link:  https://goo.gl/maps/5sFR1MExWDPuty6h9

Major Sponsors 2024/2025

Riephoff Sawmill

Little Hooves Romneys

Bruins Farm

Monmouth County Board of Agriculture

NJ Farm Bureau

Friends of Millstone Historic Registered Properties

2024 Show Catalogs are available on subpages.  Click on the menu icon and select your catalog of interest.  Documents are best seen and printed, using Google.  If you encounter problems, contact us and we will email you the catalog.